Three hundred and eighty-five billion euros *, this is the loss of clothing waste worldwide in recent years. This phenomenon tends to increase with the closure of stores, which makes it increasingly problematic for Fashion brands to sell their inventory.
After the conception of the first cotton spinning recycler, the CETI (European Center for Innovative Textiles) is preparing to launch a platform to advance the textile industry: «On demand for good». This platform aims to make design and production on demand possible.
Everything is said in the name: make on request for the best. Adjust quantities and promote smart manufacturing that will have less impact on our planet.
A project that requires time and an important budget: Three years of research and development and two million euros of investments to succeed in proposing a platform allowing the textile industry 4.0 to accelerate.
“On Demand for good” will consist of two synchronized modules:
– «Design on demand» will bring together the best of technology to design intelligently and virtually: market analysis software, virtualized tissue libraries, 3D design tools. Here, it is not just about creating in 3D, it is about selecting the right models, ensuring demand, and ensuring the economic performance of the companies.
– “Production on demand”: a single objective, allowing the production of collections in real-time. Concretely, from a marketplace, companies will be able to select industrialists with the capacity to meet their needs. This production phase will also rely on a tissue cut optimization tool to avoid unnecessary loss.
As you understand, this ambitious project pushes the CETI to bring together several players in the digital sector to optimize its production chain: Software publishers specialized in data processing, 3D design or automatic cutting systems.
This project requires a 360° view of the process of developing a product and digitizing it. Fit Retail was therefore selected for its dual expertise to support the development of this “On demand for good” platform and to carry out the first “POC” “Proof of Concept”.
Fit Retail continues its collaboration with the CETI.
The collaboration between CETI and Fit Retail is not from yesterday. Together, they successfully conducted a POC for Petit Bateau in their project to digitize collections in 3D.
Sharing a common ambition: to put innovation at the service of the textile industry, it is quite natural that CETI and Fit Retail purchase their partnership with the project “On Demand for Good”.
This project is primarily the result of a collaboration that we had already started and that went very well. Supporting CETI in the creation of “On demand for good” was a given for our team.” Philippe B.
Specializing in digital transformation for the Fashion sector, Fit Retail, will provide its knowledge on data journey management, data recovery and data exploitation, among other things in 3D product modelling and the creation of interfaces between each of the digital solutions that will be in the project.
In addition to accelerating the digitalization of the sector, this project will have a positive impact on the national territory: by concentrating all production steps on French soil, this will boost employment. Committed for years to job creation in the Hauts-de-France region, who is particularly affected by unemployment, Fit Retail is committed to working on projects that make sense.
“Working with confidence and contributing to the development of the textile industry in the Hauts de France region seems to be essential in a context that pushes us to change the paradigm. Economic criteria are no longer the only ones to consider, it is imperative to consider societal and environmental aspects.” Phillippe B.

The “On Demand for good” platform is already experiencing its first successes and many customers are embarking on their first POC.
Their objectives are multiple to adapt in «real-time» to consumer behaviour, to produce locally and faster, to be able to create small series or custom collections and all will be fulfilled by the platform.
A beta version of the platform will be ready in the second half of 2021; however, many developments are to be expected. We can only invite you to follow the news of CETI and Fit Retail to stay informed about this platform that risks revolutionizing the textile industry.