“La formatrice a su prendre en compte nos différentes organisations, nos secteurs d’activité et nos contraintes, en adaptant parfaitement son approche.”

Key User, Business Analyst support side
The “Library management in Centric PLM” training program is divided into 6 main themes. Introduction
1. Discover the libraries from the “Home” menu
2. Get to grips with the essential Data Setup libraries: Sizes, Size Range, Colors
3. Focus on other Data Setup libraries
Practical exercise
4. Discover Enumerations: Definition, main principles and how-to tutorial
Practical exercise: Learn how to create an enumeration :
– Creating an enumeration with several attributes
– Attach enumeration to a specific attribute
5. Lookup Items (LUI): Introduction to Lookup Items, Tutorial on how to use them
Practical exercise
– Create a Look Up Items Type and add a mandatory attribute
– Create Licenses
6. Focus on Products Specs:
Practical exercises :
– Create two symbols, two washing instructions
– Creating raw materials
– Create a BOM template with different sections
– Create materials with a specific composition type in the library
Our courses organization is Qualiopi certified. This enables you to finance your training courses via the HR budget and/or via your OPCO. Contact your HR department to find out more.
The Fit Academy is an extension of the 360° offering of our consultancy Fit Retail.
For each course, we offer :
Our programs are therefore tailor-made.
We only offer in-company training, i.e. for a single company.
Our training courses are aimed at professionals in the Fashion, Luxury & Retail industries, mainly business teams: pattern makers, stylists, product managers, PLM key users… and IT teams (level 1 support).
Our customers call on us for :
“I appreciated the personalization of the training”.
“The training was very well adapted to our product category”.
“A trainer who listens, is available and patient. A program that gives the impression of being personalized, so much so that it corresponds to the need.”
“La formatrice est top, très ouverte et disponible et elle adapte le programme à nos besoins réels”
“Les compétences en modélisme de la formatrice sont un atout majeur. En étant issue du métier, elle comprend parfaitement nos problématiques terrain et sait y apporter des solutions adaptées. Son regard de modéliste est essentiel pour la mise au point de la base blanche. Son adaptabilité, sa force de proposition et son excellent relationnel forment un véritable combo gagnant ! J’ai particulièrement apprécié de voir un modèle complexe, comme une culotte en dentelle, aboutir en 3D.”
A team of digital and fashion experts to help you
deliver professional training courses.