It’s official, Fit Retail is now GS1 partner, a great opportunity for these two entities and great projects to come around product sheet. Brief overview of our collaboration and its challenges…

Partnership challenges
Today, new consumption ways make the product sheet essential and inseparable of product itself. We can see that brands which neglect information on their product sheets face to a drop in sales of those. This is due to missing information and/or a wrong optimization of research filters.
For example, when an internaut filters the dresses by length, sleeve length, color, shape, pattern or material, if the product sheet isn’t fully completed, the product will be missing from the associated search results.
Among the three flows to be initialized to put a product on sale (products catalogue, price and stocks), it is important not to neglect the one related to products description. Solutions exist to anticipate these informations flows. Regarding the data preparation, I will mention among PIM solutions (Product Information Management) : 3C-Evolution, Quable or Akeneo and among data exchange facilitation : Product Live, Neteven and Iziflux.

Fit Retail – GS1 collaboration
Beyond IT solutions, we spend time and energy to define a product information data model. There is a double interest in implementing a standard : reducing the time spent building the model and increasing the quality of the product sheet. We are thus more responsive and productive. For example, we are currently working for a major retailer to implement the standard GS1 model in the PIM Quable.
Our collaboration with GS1 is about the definition of Fashion/Clothing & Accessories product sheet. The objective of this first work is to sensitize the brands to the requirements of product cataloguing data (category and attributes) ans to show two GS1 initiatives around the world : GS1 US model and Icecat with GS1 Holland.
We are currently working on the definition of a standard product sheet. Our objective is to standardize 80% of the data in order to focus on the 20% specific to the brand identity.
About GS1 France
With 40 000 members companies in France and 1,5 million in the world, GS1 mission in 150 countries, since more of 40 years, to standardize technologies to simplify, optimize and secure informations exchanges between companies.
Present in more of 15 sectors, GS1 France suggests to market players a collaboration space to co-design standards and solutions which reply to business challenges around three key business areas : digitalized product, interconnected supply chain and omni-channel trade.