Elsa comes from Brittany (and is very proud of it 😉). After graduating from high school with a Science Baccalaureate, she chose a completely different career path and finally entered the school of Fine Arts.
Elsa has always been passionate about the textile world. She used to quilt old curtains to make pants (and we would have loved to see the result). She then decided to follow the advice of her friends and pursue studies in model making for the “Soft Materials Industry“. And it was a revelation! She felt this training was a combination of the different features of her personality: design (the concrete) which appeals to a form of sensitivity (creativity). She therefore continued in this direction, with a professional degree in “creation and design in the development of textile products“.
After graduating, she became a Collection Assistant – for children’s clothing – and then a Pattern Maker. She held that job for several years in different companies before becoming a Collection Manager.
After producing some collections, Elsa was beginning to feel like she had done her time in her job and didn’t see any possibility of evolution that would bring together creation, innovation and monitoring.
That’s when our paths crossed. Elsa joined the Fit Retail team as a 3D Design Consultant.
🔎 WHAT DOES A 3D DESIGN CONSULTANT DO AT FIT RETAIL?Elsa’s missions keep evolving and the scope keeps growing. However, we can summarize her daily life as follows:

🎓 40% – Training:
Elaboration – Create customized training programs based on the customer’s needs (educational process, evaluation, training content…)
Practice – Leading the training in person or remotely.
🎧 15% – Support:
Accompany customers and check the proper handling of 3D or 2D tools (example: For our customer Petit Bateau, Elsa intervenes on 3D montages on the tool and helps the teams to readjust their models).
💡 15% – Consulting:
Bring her business expertise to help fashion companies innovate. This includes working in “project” mode on specific needs: choosing a new digital tool, innovating on the product development cycle, finding new 3D modeling methods…
🔎 30% – Internal projects & technology watch
To constantly update her knowledge, Elsa carries out monitoring (benchmark on tools, training, research work), and puts it into practice through internal projects. For example, the Fit Retail virtual collection.
For this project, the objective was to produce a concrete case of collection development, by tracing the entire life cycle of a product. The goal was to put in relation all the tools and expertise we work with at Fit Retail (3D, PLM…) to allow everyone to identify the different stages of development of a collection.
☕ A TYPICAL DAY FOR ELSATypical day: 100% telecommuting or working at customer sites in France.
What projects is Esla working on at the moment ?
Fit Academy – The Fit Academy is an internal project that combines our internal and external training offers. On this project, Elsa contributes to the enrichment of the training offer for customers, on 3D and Design expertise. She also participates in the elaboration of a teaching method and the development of Fit Retail’s own tools to ensure these trainings. Finally, Elsa is working on the creation of a training designed for trainers for our team.

• 2D and 3D CAD tools
• Creative tools: Adobe, Illustrator, Photoshop
• Office automation tools – Office365 suite
• In connection with the training: fun tools such as Menti to create quizzes
•Blender (more general 3D software).
❤️ WHAT SHE LIKES IN HIS JOBIt is a mix of several things (and so much the better!):
• To be part of the change in the textile industry, to bring its stone to the building
• Emulation: because there are a lot of changes, technological improvements
• Working in your “passion” field: Fashion.
🎯 HER VISION OF THE IDEAL CANDIDATE• Keep in mind that it’s a combination of the creative and technical sides
• Always be in a research perspective, always on the move because it is an environment in which new technologies are constantly and quickly moving
• Always be questioning and learning.
You’d like to talk with Elsa to find out more about her missions and her daily life? Contact her 📲📲📲 And if you want to discover the PLM technical consultant job, discover Maxime’s article! And to learn more about the job of a technical-functional consultant, don’t hesitate to read Stéphane’s article.