Regarding the increasingly importance of social and environmental issues, many brands are strengthening their CSR policy and gradually integrating it into their business strategy.

However, faced with such huge challenges, many operational questions remain :
· How to secure information’s feedback to increase transparency ? · How to collect data in order to analyze progress through shared KPIs ? · How to promote eco-responsible collections ? · How far should we go in traceability ?
To help you answer these questions and find effective solutions, we have decided to combine our expertise with that of Aurélia Euverte, CSR consultant, member of the CSR BlueQuest experts network.
Together, we form a complementary team, motivated by your objectives achievement. Our teams provide an agile vision of software tools, while being challenged by Aurélia’s in-depth knowledge of purchasing and sustainable development issues.
Our goal is therefore to optimize your existing software (PLM for example), by using them for your CSR strategy and your needs. We are convinced that we can create simple and effective adaptations that will lighten the workload of your teams and reinforce the seriousness of your eco-responsible approach.
Contact us here to find further details about this new « Sustainability In Product Development » project, we would be delighted to tell you more !