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Convincing Promod of the importance of implementing PLM

Presentation 👋

Promod is a French women’s ready-to-wear brand, founded in 1975. The brand stands out for its commitment to a robust internal information system, while striving to modernize it. The brand aims to strengthen its market presence through two main strategic axes: the development of its collections via an upstream merchandising tool, and the expansion of these collections through the use of a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system. Our Fit Retail consultants were called in to help secure this project.

The challenge to solve 🤔

  • Evaluate the importance of integrating PLM into your information system
  • Gain a better understanding of the functionalities offered by PLM, so as to optimize the distribution of roles and responsibilities according to the specificities of each business.
  • Redefine roles and responsibilities and promote a collaborative culture where everyone actively contributes to each other’s success.
  • Form a dedicated project team
  • Obtain a reliable, sound financial plan for the adoption of a 3D upstream merchandising tool

Expertise 💡

  • PLM
  • Project management

The response

Our objectives 🎯

  • Encourage the customer to recognize the need to change PLM
  • Reassure the customer about the management of such a large-scale project
  • Mobilize business teams to form the core project team, which will play a key role in the initial project definition phase.

Our actions 💥

  • Mapping of the As/Is application ecosystem and target proposal
  • Audit business processes, inbound/outbound by function
  • Carefully selected user interviews
  • Proposed redistribution of business activities in the target ecosystem.


“Attached to the IT department, with functional expertise, I was able to easily recreate the dialogue between the IT department and the business teams.
Working in tandem with the Merchandising Director and the product offer teams, we very quickly moved into project mode for the pre-framing phase, which was a guarantee of quality and seriousness for the launch of the project.” Veronique NEANG, Fit Retail Consultant

The benefits ✅

Through its new strategic approach to product management, Promod is fully convinced of the importance of PLM and early team involvement. Thanks to PLM, Promod is able to maximize the chances of success in the development and marketing of their products.

What people say about us