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30 January 2023

A challenging 2022 and ambitious prospects for 2023

As at the beginning of each year, we would like to share with you the traditional review of the past year and our projections for 2023.


2022 has been challenging in many ways:



🎯 We are proud to have supported 70 customers in PLM projects.

Our teams in Europe have participated in 5 major release upgrades and 136 deployment projects. Today, we are providing PLM support for 21 customers, the majority of whom have renewed their trust in us. We build dedicated or shared competence centers with them, in order to meet their needs for maintenance and tool evolution.


Many of our customers have once again asked us to assist them in high value-added consulting missions, particularly around the architecture of the product information system, the overhaul of business processes, as well as in helping them choose their strategic tools. Our teams are very proud of this trust.


📚 Our Design & 3D offer has grown.

Even if the market remains timid for the moment in France, we are convinced that 3D is the future of the Fashion & Luxury sectors. We have signed some great digital transformation support missions, for companies that want to revolutionize the way they design their products.


🏆 We have officially become a Qualiopi-certified Training Organization. Even though we have been providing training for a long time, we had to align ourselves with Qualiopi‘s requirements and review our internal processes. This project was a major challenge for our transversal teams and ended with an audit that raised NO points of non-compliance. Congratulations again to our team who worked tirelessly to make this project a success.


💸 Our German entity has doubled its financial turnover.

We now have 8 consultants to address this market, with great development prospects.


On the other hand, we had to face new HR challenges.

We had anticipated a higher employee turnover in this 4th year of existence (due to the 3-year mark and a market that is tending to tighten…). Unfortunately, we did not sufficiently anticipate the explosion of salaries and thus lost consultants that we could have retained if we had reacted earlier.


To sum it all up, 2022 was a year of nuances, with both successes and failures. But above all, 2022 drove us to question ourselves in order to maintain our growth course, while preserving the values we hold dear.


Now it’s time for 2023 (already well underway), which is starting with major projects:


🛠️ We have begun a major digital transformation project, at various levels: ERP, knowledge management tool, marketing automation platform, HRIS… After the investment phase, we are now in the stages of deploying the tools, supporting our teams and professionalizing our practices. These are great projects that will undoubtedly boost the internal life of the company.


🎲 We have started a major FIDELIZZ project. This project aims to overhaul our HR policy and make our practices more innovative, to respond to the evolution of the job market and the new expectations of our employees.


🎓 We are officially launching “The Fit Academy”. This project brings together our internal and external training offers and will allow us to:

– Professionalize the onboarding and skills development of our internal teams

– Offer our clients more qualitative training.x


✏️ We are continuing our marketing actions to offer you more and more relevant content and propose events that allow you to meet and exchange between professionals.


💡 We also start the year with the desire to enrich our consulting offer. We want to become your preferred partner in digital transformation so that you can focus on your core business: creating and selling your products. Thus, we accompany our consultants towards more and more expertise and methodology, through a vast program of certifications.


Finally, we see daily the importance of the human factor and the richness that teams represent. They are as essential to the success of the transformations carried out, as the choice of the right tools and the redesign of business processes. We are therefore launching an offer dedicated to change management, based on proven methodologies, and supported by certified expert consultants.


Even if the current economic context is complicated and may lead some clients to be cautious, we note that brands, and not only in the luxury sector, continue to perform well. These are often the innovative ones, that have an efficient information system and that have been able to carry out the necessary transformations. We believe that in 2023 the question no longer is “When to launch this digital transformation?”, but rather “Why haven’t we launched this transformation yet?


These evolutions require a lot of effort, but they are undeniably and permanently structuring for the company. And our teams will be at your side to accompany you through this change, proudly carrying our motto “Enjoy technology, boost Creativity“.


We wish you all the best for 2023!