The year 2018, year Fit Retail was founded allowed us to positionate on the market, measure the challenges involved and to go well beyond the objectives we had set ourselves. Now, focus on a new year and some great development projects !
We enter into 2019 with many enthusiasm and ambition because many projects are going to emerge in few weeks to come.
In fact, we will expand our interventions with our luxury, apparel and retail customers with creation of new design/3D offer managed by Daté TETEGAN. Domain expert, Daté will join us the february 4th 2019 supported by two new collaborators to develop this new expertise.
Besides this activity, we are about to finalize a partnership with an editor and will become one of their software’s Integrator.
These new activities come in addition with our PLM and PIM expertise and position FIT Retail as a Global Actor of the Product Lifecycle digitizing of our customers.
Our expansion will be strengthened by a major event in 2019 1st Quarter : we will officially open our first German subsidiary in Munich on March, 1st 2019. This expansion will contribute to develop PLM projects on German, Dutch and Swedish markets.
By opening new markets, we will reinforce our Services Center based in Lille by becoming European wide.
To meet all our challenges and needs all around France and Europe, we are going to boost our team by hiring around 20 collaborators. Opportunities are emerging to ambitious candidates, ready to move in France and internationally, and looking for career perspectives.
To best meet our ambition, our team will move to new and biggest offices in Lille and Paris, respectively in February and September.
This is another amazing year which is ahead of us !
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