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8 November 2018

Feedback on our Fit Retail Innovation Day !

On June 20th, our first Fit Retail Innovation Day took place ! A look back at this day of exchanges around new technologies, with our partners and collaborators…

The program was :
  • 3c-évolution : PIM and multichannel publication “Manage the product information and value your offer thanks to Data Management” 
  • Retail Visual Merchandising : virtual simulation of assortments in store “Build your product offer by generating your merchandising books thanks to 3D dynamic virtualization of your store”
  • Browzwear : Design & Product Development with the 3D “Collaborate with efficiency reducing samples thanks to 3D powerful”
Thanks to all attendees of this day which was a real success. Thanks to our partners for their speeches, and see you soon for a new Fit Retail Innovation Day